If you are currently dealing with a mold infestation, you may have already tried several remedies to no avail, or you may have heard that ammonia will successfully kill mold and want to know if this...
Category: Mold Information
Dealing with a mold infestation can be a difficult and frustrating problem, especially if you thought you had dealt with the issue, only to find them constantly returning after a few weeks or...
You may have noticed that mold and mildew tend to grow in the shadier parts of your property (attics, basements, bathroom ceilings, etc), so why is this the case? Is the sunlight actually killing the...
Mold isn’t the most appealing substance to look at, and it smells, it can be slimy and, of course, some strains can be potentially harmful to humans. However, you may be surprised to know that...
Many people are well aware that mold and mildew can be detrimental to their health, and can also lead to damaged and stained walls and ceilings, but mold can be tricky stuff to determine as many...
Does KILZ Kill Mold: What You Need To Know About Kilz Primer
Finding patches of mold growing on your walls is the last thing you need, and dealing with it can sometimes be a hassle, so, is Kilz paint the answer to your prayers? Can you simply paint over the...